It is not common to find all sorts of lumps and bumps on the penis and scrotum. This can often get you very worried. But very often these lumps are benign and do not indicate any STDs or any other diseases.
It’s been weeks since ive developed this symptom, I guess you would say. It started sometime in June I’m thinking it is of some kind allergic reaction? Small little pussy bumps on my hands/fingers and some on my feet. They are real itchy, I pop them and put neosporin on it and cover with a bandaid
White bumps under eyes can be milia spots, yellow cholesterol dots or even cheilazia. These white dots under eyes can affect anyone, from babies to adults. Getting rid of them will depend on the cause.
I have many small white bumps on my feet near my ankles. They scratch off easily and are almost crumbly. The area is itchy after scratching. The area affected is just below the ankle and diminish in number nearer my toes.
White bumps on tongue are white colored and often round shaped bumps that develop on the surface of the tongue due to factors like accidental injuries, infections or other underlying conditions.
There are several causes of bumps on penis and most bumps on penis are harmless, but before you misdiagnose yourself and regret …
Scrotal Bumps, Cysts and Lumps. Bumps may appear on scrotum for variety of reasons. We may broadly divide them into 2 categories: Bumps …
Vaginal lumps and bumps. At some point, some women may develop lumps, or bumps in the vaginal area. This is a common cause for concern. Most of the time, these lumps or bumps can be nothing to benign cysts, or they could be signs for infection, malignancy or sexually transmitted disease.
Greetings I am having these weird bumps on my scrotum…personally think this is MC, painless, if you press or clamp it hard enough…soft white substances will come out and small-ball-like penile syringoma IN my shaft.
5 days ago I noticed bumps on the penis and these are sore. Are these warts?