Ball tracking with OpenCV. Let’s get this example started. Open up a new file, name it ball_tracking. py , and we’ll get coding:
In this OpenCV with Python tutorial, we’re going to cover some basic operations with video and webcams. Aside from the beginning lines, handling frames from a video is identical to handling for images. Let’s show some examples: import numpy as np import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while(True): ret
Stereo Vision with OpenCV and QT – This projects is intended for those who would like to get started with OpenCV and stereo vision. I created a …
Want to milk every last little bit of frames per second (FPS) out of your webcam or USB camera using Python and OpenCV? This tutorial will show you how.
I am trying to create an avi video from my webcam output using opencv. No exceptions are thrown, however the avi file it creates is 414 bytes in size and does not grow.
Tutorial about Motion detection using a webcam, Python, OpenCV and Differential Images
OpenCV is a suite of powerful computer vision tools. Here is a quick overview of how I installed OpenCV on my Raspberry Pi with debian6-19-04-2012. The guide is based on the official OpenCV Installation Guide on Debian and Ubuntu.
Thank you for your guide. I had really problems to get OpenCV work before and tried a bunch of other guides, but only yours worked in the end
Very detail instruction. Thanks. By the way, I want to use OpenCV without terminal. do you have any sugestion, what aplication should I use?
ROS by Example: Head Tracking using OpenCV NOTE: This tutorial is several years out of date and the specific commands for installing software and using ROS have changed since then.