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Dec 29, 2009 · Grandma’s Hot Toddy Cold Remedy – Hot tea, lemon, honey, ginger & cloves with a splash of good ole whiskey.

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“Okay, so our family doctor suggested this instead of prescription cough syrup for relieving the cold symptoms of the ADULTS in our family (he of course, did NOT suggest it as a CURE). He says the whisky helps you sleep while the honey and lemon soothe your throat. I’m pretty sure it works, but in

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What Causes Thick Sticky Saliva in Throat and How to Manage It? It is not normal to get a thick saliva.This suggests some inflammation in …

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Throat Cyst – Causes and Symptoms. It is common to get a cystic swelling in the throat. It may be symptomatic or accidentally found on routine examination.

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