Archie’s Weird Mysteries is an American animated television series based on the characters by Archie Comics.The series premise revolves around a Riverdale High physics lab gone awry, making the town of Riverdale a “magnet” for B-movie style monsters.
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Beyoncé showed off an iconic hair look for Serena Williams’s and Reddit’s Alexis Ohanesian wedding this past weekend. She the stunning style, here!
Turbo-Teen was an animated series about a teenager with the ability to transform into a sports car. It aired on Saturday morning on the ABC Network for thirteen episodes during the 1984–85 season.
Days Are Over by Florence + the Machine song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position
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A game of Consequences October 31, 2006. There are two versions of this great game. The first is a drawing game which is suitable for s 5+ although little s may want to play as part of a team with an older or adult.