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Ethnic Russians historically migrated throughout the area of former Russian Empire and Soviet Union, sometimes encouraged to re-settle in borderlands by the Tsarist and later Soviet government.
They look like average Northern Europeans. Now, Finns do commonly have N1-haplogroup which is common in Northern Eurasia, also with people who “look east Asian”.
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I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest.
The latest in our series of translations of Russian national-conservative intellectual Egor Kholmogorov.. For the first part, see: Russians in the …
Feb 12, 2010 · Browse: Home / Muslim migrants in Germany Russian for 30 hours, then get “massacred” by angry Russians in reprisal
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Now let’s translate all this in plain English: the US took a copy of the Kremlin telephone book, then a copy of Forbes and created a new list combining both. Then the US proclaimed that these entities and individuals are not under any sanctions yet, but are candidates for such sanctions. Does