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You know how I know Katy Perry is gay? No, it’s not because she listens to Cold Play. Good guess though. While the songstress? played out affair with the media has left everyone wading through the bullshit to find out if her coy, female-focused flirtations are the real thing or all show, I’ve come to drop
May 04, 2018 · I am a black woman, raised by a religious single mother who never pushed me to pursue anything other than God, a husband and ren.
May 21, 2018 · News for Gay/Lesbian continually updated from thousands of sources on the web : The Grand Resort is Fort Lauderdale’s premier gay …
Power is never having to giggle and say “I dunno” while desperately searching for an exit. Power is the ability to recognize someone else’s shame and disappointment and understand that it doesn’t belong to you.
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A lesbian is a homosexual woman. The word lesbian is also used to describe women in terms of their sexual identity or sexual behavior regardless of sexual orientation, or as an adjective to characterize or associate nouns with female homosexuality or …
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Even before her pregnancy the Scottish party leader had caused the most Conservative members to rethink their prejudices, writes the Spectator’s political correspondent Katy …
Lesbian Day of Visibility is an important marker in the calendar for LGBT+ people. Equality, dignity and the absence of discrimination are crucial foundations for our human rights – as well as being some of the founding ideas behind Lesbian Day of Visibility. Women who identify as lesbian