Plot. Miley Stewart is struggling with alter-ego Hannah Montana’s popularity and keeping her double-life a secret from the media, but Oswald Granger, a sneaky undercover journalist for UK celebrity magazine BonChic, vows to uncover her secret.
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Daryl Christine Hannah (born December 3, 1960) is an American film actress and an environmental activist.. She made her screen debut in Brian De Palma’s supernatural horror film The Fury (1978).
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Miley Cyrus and her man, Billy Ray Cyrus, photographed in Calabasas, California. Their easy on-screen rapport is a key part of Hannah Montana’s success.
Ahsoka Tano, nicknamed “Snips” by her Master and known as “Ashla” after the Clone Wars, was a Jedi Padawan who, after the conflict, helped establish a network of various rebel cells against the Galactic Empire.
Less than a year after her infamous Vanity Fair shoot, another photo of teen queen Miley Cyrus is causing controversy. In a photograph taken with manfriend Justin Gaston and a group of friends, the Hannah Montana star, 16, pulls a slant-eye pose in an apparent attempt to ‘look Asian’. After the
Miley Cyrus, Soundtrack: Hannah Montana. Miley Cyrus was born in Franklin, Tennessee, the teen of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus and his wife, Letitia Jean “Tish” (Finley).
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