This is my first summer of needing to actually think things through for my s, so I’m still a bit hazy on the details. In past summers, Babywoods was enough to just hang out with me and Mr. Frugalwoods while we gardened, hiked, and picked blackberries.
13 Things You MUST Know About Birth Control Pills If You Don’t Want to Get Pregnant — or Do!
101 FUN Things to Ask Alexa Alexa, how old is Santa Claus? Alexa, can I tell you a secret? Alexa, what’s the magic word? Alexa, do you smoke? Alexa, are you smoking?
We’ve had the opportunity to visit Jamaica a couple of times during our travels, and we pack a lot of activities into each trip! There are so many things to do in Jamaica, from Montego Bay to St. Elizabeth and everywhere in between. We’ve rounded up amazing excursion ideas to get you off the resort
14 Things to Do When You Find Out You Are Pregnant: How to prepare, stay calm, and have a great pregnancy!
In May, I took a trip over the border to visit our neighbors up north in Montreal, where the people are bilingual and every Starbucks is “Cafe Starbucks.” Here are a few things I did—and you should do them, too, if you ever find yourself there. On the outside, Notre-Dame Basilica, designed by
When it comes to handling pregnant women, I’m no expert. Hell, I haven’t even figured out how to deal with women in general. In fact, I’m the antithesis of an expert.
World War I Revsited: The Men Who Made Peace at Versailles & the Women Who Tried to Set Them Straight at Sacramento Public Library – Central, Sacramento, CA
Fun things to do with new friends that don’t cost much, including baking brownies, giving each other makeovers, and telling fortunes.
Extreme Fun Things …Even for s: Things to Do in Dallas, TX. Zero Gravity Thrill Park promises “Extreme Rides for Extreme Family Fun”, and no ride is more family-friendly than our famous Skycoaster.