If you are a female that stores fat primarily in your belly, an apple instead of a pear, then this blog is for you. And if you are not the type that likes all the science, then skip to the bottom and just read the “action steps” section. The other day in the clinic […]
Great post Tony. It hits I few problems I run into when I first start to train a new female client. As you know I am big on adding resistance training to the mix when it comes to fat loss.
Individual weight loss plans and motivational trainers at weight loss centers will help you to achieve your weight loss goals.
Complete guide to fat loss. Learn how to lose fat and body weight using the correct nutrition and training plan.
Professionally formulated for women, Leanbean harnesses the power of nature to help you burn fat.
These 4 best exercises for female fat loss will allow you to build more lean muscle throughout your entire body, so you lose fat in all your trouble zones!
But first. This is the part where every other fat loss article gives you a virtual blowie by telling you why it’s not your fault, why it’s all going to be okay with this one simple trick, and why you’re a special snowflake who just needs to think happy thoughts and click your heels so you feel justified reading it – well, guess what?
Many people are confused by estrogen and its action on body fat. Does it store fat? Does it burn fat? Does it matter if you are taking birth control or HRT? What about its supposed effects on thyroid? Why do women suddenly gain belly fat at menopause? I heard estrogen makes female lower body fat
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The key to weight loss success is to first diagnose the causes of your weight gain. With the help of our specialist health coaches, we’ll work with you to …