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Weird true story of the Sparks World Famous Shows circus and the public hanging of “Murderous Mary,” a circus elephant.
Topsy was born in the wild around 1875 in Southeast Asia and was captured soon after by elephant traders. Adam Forepaugh, owner of the Forepaugh Circus, had the elephant secretly smuggled into the United States with plans that he would advertise the baby as the first elephant born in America.
A year ago, I designed a robot whose only purpose was adding jokes to Family Circus cartoons. Most robotic engineers told me I was crazy. They said things like, “You’re only taping a smile onto cancer,” or “I knew this day would come — my robots are penetrating me.” But I didn’t stop. Family Circus
Sep 25, 2010 · Everyone loves exploiting those who are different, but no one did it quite as well as our friends from yesteryear. Enough chit chat, on with the freak show.
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I’ve gotta say that this was some of the greatest music I’ve ever heard in a porn movie. The guys were great looking and the music a welcome change.
Nov 20, 2017 · 5 Reasons to Stop Putting Women On Pedestals . The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A Fuck “In my life, I have given a fuck about many people and many things.
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Two starcrossed magicians engage in a deadly game of cunning in The Night Circus,the spellbinding bestseller that …
Family Circus been around for over 50 years, and hasn’t even been funny yet on accident. It’s the only part of the newspaper that birds won’t shit on.