This is a listing of the major religions of the world, ranked by number of adherents.
The Problem With Sex in Buddhism– by Kusala Bhikshu (From a talk given at a High college in Los Angeles.) Photo – Bob Heide
and Buddhism: Behind the Smiling Façade By Anna Sawerthal. Buddhism in the West is in a crisis. For years, it had benefited from a reputation too good to be true.
I felt like the Tibetan Buddhism in India/Nepal was what the Catholicism I experienced as a , was supposed to be like. Does that make any sense?
Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, or more simply, Tibetan Buddhism, the Buddhism of the Himalayas and surrounding areas derives from that …
Examining the Fundamental Differences of Buddhism vs. Christianity The popular appeal of Buddhism today is one of “coolness”,”tolerance”, and non-dissention. It’s a belief system that many feel can help them “detach”, maintain neutrality, and find peace in a world of injustice and suffering.
The most important Buddhism beliefs, in the clearest everyday language. Clear, intelligent and helpful information to assist everyone’s understanding of Buddhism.
Overview. Former Vice President of the Buddhist Society and Chairman of the English Sangha Trust, Maurice Walshe, wrote an essay called ‘Buddhism and Sex’ in which he presented Buddha’s essential teaching on human …
Background: Buddhism currently has about 376 million followers and is generally listed as the world’s fourth largest religion after Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
Revelations of Sexual and Dehumanization in Tibetan Buddhism