Praise for The Outsiders “The Outsiders transformed -adult fiction from a genre mostly about prom queens, football players and high college crushes to one that portrayed a darker, truer world.”
Clark the Shark is a great read-aloud picture book, with fun rhythm and rhyme, from the ever-popular Bruce Hale and Guy Francis.. Clark is a shark with zing, bang, and BOOM.
Find Bibles for your teen in a variety of translations, from NIV, KJV, ESV, and more!
The NIV Bible for Teen teens, designed specifically for teens ages 13 to 18, is for real teenage teens with real lives.Packed with daily readings, highlighted promises of God, challenging insights, smart advice, and open discussion about the realities of life, this Bible is designed to help teen teens grow in faith, hope, and love.
Amazon Best Teen Book of the Month, August 2012: Adarlan’s Assassin was the most feared killer in the world–until she was captured and sent to a prison labor camp to rot.
Reformation Heritage Books Glorifying God through the publication and distribution of Puritan and Reformed literature.
“Longtime bestselling author Allison Brennan reaches new heights in “Poisonous,” and this smart, sophisticated entry in the Maxine Revere series raises her to the level of Lisa Gardner and Harlan Coben.
Find Christian fiction books for teens, including genres like action-adventure, contemporary, suspense and intrigue, and more.
Find Christian fiction books for teens, including genres like action-adventure, contemporary, suspense and intrigue, and more.