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Teens, Parents, and Teachers get the latest facts on how drugs affect the brain and body. Featuring videos, games, blog posts and more!

May 25, 2018 · Find science-based info. on health & aging & Alzheimer’s. Get research news & funding opportunities from the National Institute on Aging at NIH.

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This infographic of the NIH’s 2017 Monitoring the Future survey highlights drug use trends among the Nation’s youth for marijuana, alcohol, cigarettes, e-cigarettes (e-vaporizers), and prescription opioids.

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Description of the Training Program. This is a hands-on clinical skills training for working with adults, ren, and teens who have been exposed to significant trauma or loss.

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The pill is the method most widely used by white women, women in their teens and 20s, never- married and cohabiting women, less women and college graduates.[]The use of other hormonal methods has increased with the advent of new options in recent years.

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NIDA. (2017, December 25). Marijuana: Facts for Teens. Retrieved from

The Davidson Institute’s mission is to recognize, nurture and support profoundly intelligent people and to provide opportunities for them to develop their talents to make a positive difference.

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Site hosts & cent & adult trauma & loss information & resources for education, training, research, and study. For mental health professionals, the general public, parents, scholars, researchers and students.