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Shirley Kan, Michael Mazza, Patrick Cronin, and Peter Mattis explore the components of contemporary U.S.-Taiwan defense relations and the path to a deeper partnership in this roundtable with a foreword by NBR’s Shali Chair, Admiral Jonathan W. Greenert.
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Before the Qing Empire ceded Taiwan to Japan in 1895, Taiwan’s culture was characterized by Qing frontier societies of Han farmers and highland Aborigines.Due to Taiwan’s strategic location along East Asian trade routes, Taiwanese were also exposed to cosmopolitan influences and the effects of European commerce.
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Mar 22, 2018 · Since the advent of Bitcoin, Taiwan has wondered whether to regulate or liberalize cryptocurrency, the digital tokens backed up by transaction ledgers rather than monetary authorities. Regulation could head off financial crimes and protect established banks worried about a loss of business
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Apr 26, 2018 · Of Asia’s fabled “tiger” economies, one is burning less brightly than the rest. Taiwan is set to lag further behind its three peers — Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea — economies which underwent rapid industrialization starting around the 1960s, according to data from the International
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