A nosegay, posy, or tussie-mussie is a small flower bouquet, typically given as a gift.They have existed in some form since at least medieval times, when they were carried or worn around the head or bodice.
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This is a perfect piece of body jewelry for those having a nostril piercing! This star nose bone stud is made of 316L surgical grade steel and comes with a star-shaped cubic zirconia jewel in the following colors: Pink Clear Aqua Blue P …
When awful darkness and silence reign Over the great Gromboolian plain, Through the long, long wintry nights;–When the angry breakers roar As they beat on the rocky shore;–
Denis Durantou: Chateau l’Eglise-Clinet. Dennis Durantou – the winemaker’s winemaker . Denis Durantou is a winemaker’s winemaker: a singular man of forthright opinions and great integrity, whose wines articulately express the soil on which his modest Pomerol chateau stands. A man who from hood knew he would make …
The Enola Gay ( / ɪ ˈ n oʊ l ə ˈ ɡ eɪ /) is a Boeing B-29 Superfortress bomber, named for Enola Gay Tibbets, the mother of the pilot, Colonel Paul Tibbets, who selected the aircraft while it was still on the assembly line.
We’ve all been raised to think that what happens in your nose should stay in your nose, but a leading Austrian doctor wants us to rethink that wisdom.He thinks it’s not only O.K. to pick you nose and eat it, he thinks it’s good for you!
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Pictures of B-17 nose art decorations, like Hellcat Agnes, Heavenly Lambchop, Hells Belles, Betty Boop, June Bug, and She Devil.
VELASCO ENTERPRISES fighting Colors Collection Specializing in the finest most authentic World War II Aviation Nose Art panel and hull section reproductions, Aviation shelves and furniture in the world.