Much of the safe sex information out there says that you should use condoms for oral sex. Here are some top condom choices that are perfect for fellatio
Many people have questions about anal and oral sex. Are they safe? What are the risks? Can you get pregnant or get a sexually transmitted disease (STD) from either? Are either safe during pregnancy? Even though the pregnancy risk is not really significant with anal or oral sex, sexually transmitted
A abortion . A procedure to intentionally end a pregnancy before a birth. Miscarriage is also sometimes called “spontaneous abortion,” even though it is usually not intended.
FAST FACTS. A condom is a thin piece of rubbery material that fits over a man’s penis during sex, forming a barrier to protect you from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV, and unplanned pregnancy.
All hail the condom, defender against every sexually transmitted infection and goalkeeper blocking each sperm trying to get you pregnant! Except not. While condoms can play a key role in protecting you, they’re not the be-all and end-all of safe sex. “Condoms are the number one reason I get phone
Oral sex has been observed in the kingdom among many species. It has been suggested that there is an evolutionary advantage due to the tendency of primates, non-primates and humans to have oral sex.
Safer-Sex Methods: HIV InSite Knowledge Base Chapter December 2003; Content reviewed January 2006: Tim Lane, PhD, MPH, University of California San Francisco Herminia Palacio, MD, MPH, Harris County Health Department, Houston, Texas
Oral Sex & You: What you need to know to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) Oral sex can be fun, but it can also spread disease. (Gross, right?)
Condom Fact Sheet In Brief [2.2 MB] Consistent and correct use of the male latex condom reduces the risk of sexually transmitted disease (STD) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission.